Learn 13500 English sentences with translation in Persian

دسته بندي : سوالات و جزوات » کنکور سراسری

Learning English can be broken down into two parts: input and output.  Input consists of reading and listening while output consists of writing and speaking. The more input you get, the more output you can produce. It's that simple.

Here's the little secret you probably don't know yet:

  • If you want to write English well, focus on reading. The more you read, the better you write.
  • If you want to speak English well, focus on listening. Listening is THE KEY to speaking excellent English.
دسته بندی: سوالات و جزوات » کنکور سراسری

تعداد مشاهده: 2773 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 14200

حجم فایل:20,213 کیلوبایت

 قیمت: 100,000 تومان
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